Monday, August 13, 2007


Muse un. 1.Gk. Myth. Any of the nine daughters of Zeus, each of whom presided over a different art or science. 2. muse A source of inspiration, esp. of a poet.

Many of us find that, even in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, our heart yearns for the challenge of a creative outlet. We struggle with the vision we see in our mind’s eye, at loss of where to begin, unsure of where that journey might lead, and how that vision might be brought to fruition. Instead of embracing those ideas wholeheartedly, we create a list of reasons why we can’t move forward.

I am a PROFESSIONALMUSE. It is my business to help facilitate the realization of your creative vision. Whether it is the development of your own writing voice, or the creation of a one-of-a-kind birthday gift, I will supply you with an inspirational plan to help you reach your goal. The basic service package is outlined below. Please contact me using the information provided to field questions, schedule a preliminary meeting, or begin the creative process.



The MUSESERVICEPACKAGE is divided into five phases. Each phase builds upon the previous phase and may be revisited at any time. The package includes a maximum of 20 working/billable hours which can be redistributed at will among the five phases. The total package fee is determined after an preliminary meeting. 50% of the total fee is due to begin Phase I and the remaining 50% is due upon receipt of Phase 5 deliverables. A project confirmation Agreement (detailing the five phases and expectation of deliverables) will be signed by both THECLIENT and THEMUSE to initiate work.

  • PHASEONE / Brainstorming

This phase provides a platform for free thought. A maximum of 4 hours is allotted for this phase and may take place any environment of the client’s choosing. Notes of brainstorming sessions will be provided and delivered via email.

  • PHASETWO / Identification of Outcomes

What is to be accomplished at the culmination of this creative exercise? These outcomes will be explicitly stated and recorded to facilitate PHASETHREE and PHASEFOUR. (4 hours MAX)

  • PHASETHREE / Time Line Development

This phase will include the creation of a time line to appropriately and realistically map deadlines for the creative project/product. (4 hours MAX)

  • PHASEFOUR / Creation of Budget

Based on the details outlined in the previous phases a feasible budget will be established to connect with the desired outcome and create boundaries for project execution. (4 hours MAX)

  • PHASEFIVE / Identification of Strategic Partners

Based upon my extensive creative network I will identify a minimum of 5 individuals who may be instrumental in achieving the desired outcomes. A list will be provided for your files as the final deliverable. If appropriate, I will facilitate the introduction relevant parties. (4 hours MAX)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.